Bees Belong in Gardens, Not Indoors

Ask about our bee removal services in Dayton, OH today

Unfortunately, bees are known for building nests inside walls, attics and other places where they don't belong. If your space is no longer safe to live or work in, reach out right away to schedule bee removal services with A Plus Rapid Pest Control. Our bee exterminators respond quickly to pest emergencies in the greater Dayton, OH area, so you won't have to deal with the danger for long.

Don't hesitate to ask for a free estimate on bee removal services - call 937-518-4255 today.

How to tell if you have honey bees

Most of the time, the bee nests you see around your home are not honey bees. Sometimes, it may be hard to tell the difference between bees, wasps and dirt dobbers. Honey bees can be categorized by the following:

  • Amber in color with a fuzzy appearance
  • Form packs instead of traveling freely
  • Nest made up of a series of wax hexagonal cells (combs)

Bees may become defensive to protect their hive, so never attempt bee removal alone. Reach out to our local bee exterminators in Dayton, OH, for help.